June 7 1881 Lancefield Junction to Lancefield line opened
14.5 miles of single track railway costing
£4,431 per mile. (£64,244 total cost)
Dec. 17 1906 North Monegetta open for goods, no siding
Dec. 3 1917 Monegetta renamed Monegeetta and North Monegetta renamed North Monegeetta
May 11 1914 Romsey, provide plunger locks (WN 19/1914)
Dec. 2 1918 Romsey, up home signal moved 22 yards further out (WN 48/1918)
Jan. 11 1926 Lancefield Junction renamed Clarkefield
Nov. 16 1926 Romsey, provide staff exchange box. (WN 46/1926)
July 9 1940 Lancefield racecourse platform abolished (WN 28/1940)
July 1 1941 Lancefield, crossover between No. 1 road and shed road removed (WN 26/1941)
Aug. 1 1950 Lancefield: Provide 53' turntable in lieu of 50' turntable (WN 31/1950)
Aug. 13 1956 Line closed to all traffic (WN 36/1956)