The 142 1/2 mile branch from Korong Vale to Robinvale kept its passenger service until June 3 1978 although it only went beyond Ultima on Wednesdays and Fridays. A unique safeworking feature of the line was automatic operation of the electric staff system between Korong Vale and Quambatook with Mysia and Barraport being unattended electric staff stations. In conjunction with the automatic electric staff opearation Barraport and Mysia were each provided with a down and up, 3 position automatic signal. The automatics were normally at stop, after a train passed the location board, (seen in the above photo to the right of the DERM) and provided the platform road was clear and the plunger locks were "in" the automatic would go to the warning position. This system was installed in 1929 and lasted until Dec. 1980. ABOVE: We see 60 RM about to pass the down automatic as it approaches Barraport whilst running the 12.00 noon service from Bendigo to Ultima, it was due at Barraport at 2.30 pm. BELOW: After quickly driving through Barraport John has managed to catch the train departing Barraport as it passes the up automatic. Ultima arrival was timetabled for 3.55 pm Sat Aug. 20 1977. (photos courtesy John Dennis)
ABOVE & BELOW: February 1959 and you can almost feel a stinking hot Northern Victorian summer's heat looking at these photos of K 172 shunting wheat at Gredgwin, a tiny location just north of Boort on the Robinvale line. whilst running an up train. Despite the heat the guard seems duty bound to keep his vest on! (Thanks to Sally Garner for making these photos available. Photo courtesy John Mayberry)
ABOVE: This 1972 view shows the standard and very basic facilities at Gredgwin. The bloke on the platform is a local by the name of Fred Hill who is locking up after the passage of the railmotor to/from Robinvale.